​Terms of Use of this Website

The content of this website is the intellectual property of Aapi BVBA, registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number 0664.752.282, Roderveldlaan 4, 2600 Berchem, Belgique and/or its contractors (experts/partners) and is therefore protected. All forms of reproduction are prohibited. 

The data contained in this website is provided solely for the purpose of providing general information and reflecting trends in the sector, without the intention of being construed as personalised advice. 

AAPI makes every reasonable effort to ensure that this information is correct at the time of inclusion, which does not rule out the possibility that there may be incomplete, inaccurate or out-of-date information on this site at any time. This concerns an obligation of best effort, as a result of which neither Aapi nor the editors of the contributions may be held liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the information provided, for information which is no longer up to date, or for losses of any kind which may arise from the use of the content on this website. 

Any omissions and/or inaccuracies may be communicated to the email info@aapi.be after which, if necessary, the required corrections or additions will be made. 

Any dispute conducted with regard to the use or content of the website will be judged according to Belgian law, and the Courts of Antwerp, Antwerp Division, will be competent in these matters.

General Terms and Conditions

1. Contracting Parties

The services and products are offered by AAPI SRL, whose registered office is located at 2600 Berchem (Antwerp), Roderveldlaan 4, registered in the Antwerp register of legal entities with company number and VAT number BE 0664.752.282.

Acceptance of an offer or quote also implies acceptance of all contractual terms and conditions of use of AAPI tools, applications, services, and software, including but not limited to, the terms of use and license, privacy provisions, and SLA.

The Client confirms having provided AAPI SRL with all necessary and useful information to enable the latter to formulate its offer with full knowledge of the facts. The Client also confirms having been sufficiently informed about AAPI SRL's services and products and all software functionalities.

2. AAPI Software

AAPI has developed software called AAPI, whose main features aim to enable the automation of HR administration and planning for companies.

The AAPI software consists of both mobile applications and a PC version and includes various modules (Add-ons) that can be chosen and added by the Client.

AAPI offers the following services related to the software:

  • A right to use the AAPI software and the different Add-on modules chosen by the Client, subject to the terms of the license agreement.
  • A Set-Up service: the initial configuration and installation of the AAPI software, encompassing, for example, user interface customization, integration with other systems, parameter configuration, including the creation of the user account and the import of the necessary data to start the AAPI software. During the initial implementation of the AAPI software, this configuration service is necessarily part of the contract.
  • An onboarding service, namely training and assistance for the Client at the time of launching the AAPI software. This service provides an initial training session before the user starts using the AAPI software, assistance by phone, email, and/or chatbot during the first month. This onboarding can be done online or on-site at the Client's premises, according to the Client's choice. During the initial implementation of the AAPI software, this onboarding is necessarily part of the contract.
  • A service plan with access to a help center, where the Client can choose the service level. The basic service plan (Core Pack) is a mandatory part of the contract. A higher quality service (Advanced pack or Expert pack), whose characteristics are outlined in the documentation provided along with the proposal or offer, can be provided to the Client upon request. The service level chosen by the Client is set out in the offer.

Additionally, consultancy services and training can be provided at the Client's request.

This AAPI software also allows, at the Client's request, to connect external partners or service providers to the AAPI software to analyze HR data that can be shared, thus generating information that adds value to the business operations.

3. Fees and Billing

3.1. The amounts due are stated in the offer accepted by the Client, which serves as an order form. The amounts are always expressed in euros and exclude VAT and other possible taxes.

3.2. The Set-up and onboarding fees are one-time fees that are billed in advance. These must be paid by the Client within 15 days. The Set-up and onboarding services will only be implemented after receipt of the invoiced amount.

The fees for software licenses for the AAPI software and for the various chosen Add-on modules and additional services are periodic fees that are billed monthly. Any month commenced is due for the full duration of the current month. All amounts due are payable within 15 days from the invoice date.

Any dispute regarding an invoice must be addressed to AAPI's head office, in writing and by registered mail, within 8 calendar days from the invoice date. Otherwise, the client can no longer dispute the invoice.

3.3. All recurring fees and charges stated in the offer or order form (hereinafter referred to as "basic fee") are indexed annually on January 1st.