AAPI, the hospitality investment that pays for itself up to 7 times...

AAPI is the hospitality app that optimises and automates your hospitality business and has the potential to pay for itself up to 7 times...

With AAPI, you avoid the stereotypical pitfalls, turn some things in your favour, automate your hospitality business and ‘Hup!’ your investment comes back (up to seven times) in double figures.

7 illustrative examples... the list is not exhaustive.

  • Sharp timekeeping with AAPI TIME - savings of / worth 1 to 2 years of AAPI licence. Suppose, 2 employees who cannot clock in more than 10 min too early every day = savings of/ worth 2 years of AAPI licence
  • AAPI's fully automated flow - savings of / worth 1 to 2 years of AAPI licence. Say: 1 personnel manager with 4 hours less work each month due to AAPI's automated flow = savings of/ worth 1 year's AAPI licence
  • AAPI's checklist reductions/discounts - savings of / worth 1 to 9 years of AAPI licence. Say: 5 employee statutes on which you can score hefty reductions every year = savings of/worth 9 years of AAPI licence
  • AAPI's statutes finetuning ifv end-of-year premium - savings of / worth 1 year of AAPI licence. Say: 2 flexi statutes of 1 day/week (instead of 1 flexi statute) ensure that you do not have to pay an end-of-year premium = savings of/value of 1 year's AAPI licence
  • AAPI's automated Dimona flow - savings of / worth 1 year of AAPI licence. Say: 220 dimonas (1 per day) at a ratio of 5 euros per dimona = savings of / worth 1 year of AAPI licence
  • With AAPI, you escape violations & fines - saving from / worth 1-2 years of AAPI licence. Say: you escape fine of non-compliance with Dimona obligations = savings of/ worth 2 years of licence AAPI
  • With the AAPI dashboards, you are informed ‘any place, any time’ about the ‘health status’ of your business - continuous savings / worth ‘priceless’ :-) The ability to adjust/correct and optimise ‘à la minute’ provides a peace of mind that you cannot put a value on. Being able to act NOW is worth its weight in gold in the long run. In a sustainable way towards greater returns. = savings of/ter value of priceless :-)
  • ...

AAPI, the (only) hospitality app that keeps on giving.

P.S. Actually, we are selling time

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