Bring a AAPI Friend !

You may already be familiar with AAPI... but you might also want to recommend AAPI to your hospitality contacts.

AAPI will give you a discount on the renewal of your licence if you bring in new customers before 30/6/2021.
The amount of this discount is set at 150 EURO per new customer.

If you want to provide introductions and be able to claim this AAPI discount, please check what conditions and requirements your introduction must meet:

1. You intend to bring in a new AAPI customer

2. You provide AAPI with all requested coordinates* via

3. After receiving your email, AAPI contacts the party you introduced

4. The introduced party signs an agreement with AAPI before 30 June 2021

We would like to receive this info* from you by email (

A. your details: name - company/business/partnership - GSM no - email address

B. the details of the party you wish to introduce: name - company/business/affiliation - GSM no - e-mail address

If you would like further clarification and/or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at, or by telephone at +32 3 376 45 11.

AAPI, no more monkey business

'TEST RUN' your 'AAPI TIME' before 'grand opening' hospitality industry