AAPI will cost you less than a cup of coffee a day!

Shot of AAPI?

AAPI is like a daily caffeine shot ; AAPI keeps you awake, alert and sharp.

A daily shot of AAPI gives a huge boost to the ins and outs of your hospitality business.

AAPI is a planning tool, equipped with all the social legal smart sensors

-Never fear social inspection and silly administrative fines again

-Always have your staff costs and efficiency under control and on hand 24/7

-Away with all the administration concerning your payroll and personnel

AAPI sets the bar high every day 

AAPI is more than a hospitality app, it is an attitude, a process for getting things done.

AAPI stands for hospitality entrepreneurs who go off the beaten track, for hospitality entrepreneurs who use a smartphone to change the world, to create things that make a difference.

What Else?

Oh yes, the price for all this. As mentioned, AAPI will only cost you a cup of coffee a day.

Does this seem very punishing to you, or does it just taste like more? 

Make a no-obligation appointment with AAPI's Customer Coaches Michael, Ilja and Sebastien today. Over a nice cup of coffee, they will be happy to tell you the story behind AAPI.

AAPI - No more Monkey Business 


Bring a AAPI Friend !