2020: a year full of challenges. Thanks for rolling with us!

2020: a year full of challenges. Thanks for rolling with us!

Bringing an innovative software to market is no easy task in any case, and times like these add another exciting dimension to our mission. Fortunately, at AAPI we like a challenge, as well as the opinions of our early adopters. We listened to user feedback to the best of our ability, and then strived to meet all wishes, complaints and optimisation suggestions as much and as quickly as possible. It was a fascinating roller-coaster experience, and we feel privileged to have you by our side. Thanks for rolling with us! 

Optimisations, new features (just think of the delivery of the pay module 2.0, the AAPI data module, the AAPI reporting module, the Whatsaapi module,...), digital transformation of HR and Payroll processes, administrative simplification, business dashboarding,... it all passed the revue in 2020. The outlines for 2021 are also already clearer; in the next year, our focus will be on developing AAPI Market Place, AAPI Interim, AAPI Talent and AI,... We are already looking forward! 

Let the good times roll!

Team AAPI - December 2020
