‘Up-to-date’ & ‘in sync’ with AAPI automatic messaging

The daily management of a catering schedule not only involves a wide variety of questions and issues, but also requires specific follow-up actions in good time. AAPI ensures via automatic notification that you are always informed of all issues to be followed up and can respond quickly and specifically.

Your employees will also be notified via these automatic notifications of changes to the planning, shift changes, invitations, etc. This not only allows everyone to switch quickly and correctly, but also keeps mutual communication ‘in sync’.

An overview of notifications that will always keep you ‘up-to-date’ :

  • Warning: Dagdimona not clocked in
  • Warning: clocked in without a contract
  • Warning: clocked in without scheduling lock
  • Warning: Dimona processing with warning
  • Warning: delayed dimona processing
  • Notification: New employee registered
  • Notification: invitation accepted
  • Message: Exchange request sent
  • Reminder: Invitation received

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