Multiselect: simplify your planning with the superpower of group selection

Planning - Multiple selections - Efficient - User-friendly - Fast

Tired of performing the same actions over and over again in your scheduling app? If only you could select multiple items and change them all at once ... Can you see us coming? Yes, with the Multiselect function, AAPI has thought of everything. We explain it to you. 

Multiselect manages multiple items simultaneously

Select, modify, delete, add, publish, invite ... and that over and over and over again? 

A person has better things to do.

AAPI users are big fans of the Multiselect function. A handy option that allows you to select and manage several items at once. This way, you don't have to perform the same action for each item separately 🤗

The 5 most used operations in Multiselect:

  1. Create absences for a longer duration: the MultiSelect function allows you to create absences for a period of time you decide.
  2. Send an invitation to several employees: create an invitation for a specific time slot and select all the employees you want to invite. 
  3. Reuse a calendar for multiple periods: use your ideal weekly schedule as a basis for other weeks. 
  4. Send requests to switch shifts: in case of absence, find a replacement quickly by contacting several employees at once.
  5. Change the reason for absence for already scheduled absences. 

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